Central Indiana Police Foundation Logo
Central Indiana Police Foundation Logo

Make a tax-deductible contribution today!

The Central Indiana Police Foundation (CIPF) (formerly the Indianapolis Police Foundation) is proud to be registered and approved through the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)(3) organization pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code.  As such, CIPF is eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions under section 170 of the Code.  Donors of CIPF will receive annual tax receipts detailing the date and amount of donations.  CIPF is registered with Guidestar.org, a leading resource for transparency and validity of nonprofit organizations, as a Bronze Certified organization.  To learn more, click on the graphic below for CIPF’s Guidestar.org organizational profile.

Help us demonstrate to police officers and their family members that there is indeed a community standing behind them in support.  To make a tax-deductible contribution to CIPF, please visit the donation page today!