Officer Perry Renn Memorial Event

July 5th, 2014 Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer Perry Renn was called to the scene of a family gathering where one intoxicated member was showing off his assault weapon. The scene ended horribly. Officer Renn was shot and so was his partner Office Gallico. Officer Gallico was revived at the scene and did live. Officer Renn, a 22 year veteran of the force, passed that evening in the hospital.
Media captured an interview with the shooters mom who made the statement that if the Officers had stayed in their car they would not have been shot. This statement went across the airways and rattled everyone. The Officers pledge was born which is ‘I will Always Get Out Of My Car’. This is what our Law Enforcement do, they get out of their cars to help and to protect our community. The Central Indiana Police Foundation, in conjunction with Renn’s wife, designed a challenge coin with this pledge.
July 5th, 2019 was the five year anniversary of Officer Renn’s End of Watch. The Foundation decided to remember him by passing out a note card and the Renn challenge coin to all officers working in the Central Indiana area. Fifteen cars of volunteers traveled 8 counties searching for officers to tell then thank you for always getting out of their car.
IMPD North District, where Perry was stationed, had volunteers represented at each roll call beginning at 5:30 am and ending after 9:00 pm. Retired Lt. Randy Staab spoke with all officers and told them about the Foundation and how we wanted them to know they were appreciated. Each officer received a challenge coin and note card. The 1:30 pm roll call met in Crown Hill Cemetery near his gravesite. IMPD Chief Bryan Roach, Commander Wolley and CIPF Executive Director, Lisa Rollings spoke. IMPD Chaplains opened the roll call and closed it with prayer. The ceremony was moving. It is good to remember the sacrifice that is made through life and death as a first responder.