Central Indiana Police Foundation Logo
Central Indiana Police Foundation Logo
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The Monrovia Police Department

Monrovia is a small town in Morgan County, southwest of Indianapolis. The last decade has shown over 50% growth as more folks move from the city to rural America. With this growth, we see the need to grow the law enforcement team to care of the community. Current staff of three will grow by four more officers by the end of 2023. There are needs that come with growth.

  • Body Cameras – these protect the officers and the community – Need 8 cameras at $522 a piece, $4,176 total. Sidearm kits for each camera, automatically turn camera on when officers’ gun is unholstered, $250 each, 8 needed totaling $2,000.
  • Tasers – nonlethal weapons, used to help officer subdue individuals with the least use of force necessary for the safety of the individual and the officer, need 8 at $1,342 each, totaling $10,736. Cartridges for the tasers are $41.65 each and 25 would cost $1,041.25.
  • Radios – need 8 of these at $4,600 each, totaling $36,800.
  • AED for Town Hall/Police Department $2089.
  • Grand total needed is $56,842.25.

Please help at any amount. Your donation is tax deductible.

We Need Your Support

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We depend on members like you to fulfill our mission in supporting traumatically injured officers and their families, providing supplemental resources for officers in the line of duty, and building positive officer-community partnerships.

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Our Mission Statement

The Central Indiana Police Foundation (CIPF) stands ready to strengthen the region’s policing efforts through a community-based, officer-focused approach. CIPF will realize this action plan by advancing its mission to foster community-wide support for law enforcement by supporting traumatically injured officers and their families, providing supplemental resources for officers in the line of duty, and building positive officer-community partnerships.

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