Central Indiana Police Foundation Logo
Central Indiana Police Foundation Logo

Dates of training:  June 23-27, 2025

Hours of training: 0800-1900 each day

Location:  Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, 5402 Sugar Grove Road, Plainfield, IN 46168

Additional information:

  • ALL participants must be on a full-duty status with their respective departments.
  • This training is part classroom but mostly physical.
  • Participants will be doing a lot of walking and maneuvering.
  • Participants will be getting into and out of various vehicles.
  • Participants will be required to participate is simulated attack drills to include: basic combatives, mock attacks with plastic and rubber weapons, shot at with simunition and paint balls, and be in vehicles learning intentional impact skills.
  • Participants will conduct PIT maneuvers and other dynamic vehicle driving.
  • All weapons and safety equipment will be provided.
  • NO live firearms or other weapons will be permitted!!  All participants will be checked for weapons daily.
  • No hotels or meals provided.
  • Attire:  Monday – Thursday: Casual (jeans, tac pants, T-shirts, etc.).  Lace up tennis shoes/boots are preferred.  There is potential of getting dirty/muddy (weather depending).  We will train in ANY weather, so bring whatever clothing items you deem necessary.
  • Friday:  All participants will need a suit/tie (sport coat, dress pants, and tie are fine).  All participants will need their gun and badges on this day.
  • For additional questions, please contact Detective Todd Wellmann at (317) 460-2559 or via email at Todd.Wellmann@indy.gov.