Robert “Bob” Hatch is a Sergeant with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD). He has been in law enforcement for 16 years. His wife of 19 years is Amy. She, too, works in law enforcement at the Marion County Sheriff’s Office. They have two dauaghters, Lauren (15) and Lillian (11).
Bob has been fighting brain cancer for 11 years. He was first diagnosed with a Astrocytoma Brain Tumor in August 2008. In July 2017 he again was diagnosed with a Astrocytoma Brain Tumor. Just last month, another tumor was found this time touching his brain ventricle. He had surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. The results proved to be devastating and in September 2019 Bob was diagnosed with Stage 4 Glioblastoma. This is inoperable. They have a huge hurdle ahead of them with insurance on possible treatment plans.
Any monetary contributions or donations for the Hatch family would be greatly appreciated. And of course, if our prayer warriors would continue to ask God to guide them on this journey.
There will be a fundraiser for the family on November 30th. If you would like to learn more, please call 317-536-1402 or email