2022 Year in Review

With your support over the past year, we have been able to purchase and provide 5 AED’s, 2 for the Law Enforcement Academy and 3 for Franklin Police Department. We gave $3400 in grants to Central Indiana Police Departments along with giveaways for Department Family/Community events. We also gave more than $60k to officers and families in various areas of needs (illness, death, counseling etc.). We helped raise $400K to build IMPD Mounted Unit a new home. We also were able to donate 1000+ Trauma Kits to Indiana Officers!
This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the things we’ve been able to accomplish over the past year but it is a nice highlight of some of our biggest impacts. We will continue our good work and support of our local law enforcement with the help of YOU in 2023! We can’t wait to see what we’ll be able to do.